Language: Chinese line English

Roller series

  • The rubber buffer roller
The rubber buffer roller

The rubber buffer roller

  • The rubber buffer roller
  • Product description: The rubber buffer roller
Advantage of rubber buffer roller:
1. The impact of the conveyor belt is small, prolong the service life of the conveyor belt
2. Nearly half of the weight is common roller.
3. Superior anti-corrosion performance.
4. Can effectively prevent dust, gas, liquid and other corrosive medium into the roller, internal damage to the bearings.
5. The rubber buffer roller structure is reasonable, reliable sealing.
The rubber buffer roller product structure:
1. The roller is equipped with two seals, manufacturing high accuracy, space special coated with grease.
2. The surface of the drill string by cold body elastic rubber ring and lock ring, buffer roller installed on the conveyor by section below.
3. The rubber buffer roller spacing generally 100-100 mm.
The rubber buffer roller sample:
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